Shu – “The Breath of Life”

I learn how this is a central concept in the old Egyptian Magical religion – proto Tantra.

There’s a thing called the Shu theology- Atum the creator, but then two children, Shu & Tefnut who do all the life giving stuff – like an ancient Shiva-Shakti. And think prana, the breath in Tantra. 

Shu, Tefnut & Amarna religion
“The Shu theology of Egypt’s Middle Kingdom, as far as it can be reconstructed from the Coffin Text spells (75-80), distinguished between cosmology and biogony, creator god and life god. Atum was the creator of the world and life according to this theology, but the task of life-giving and developing both fell to his two children Shu and Tefnut. In this capacity Shu received the name Ankh “life” and was called “endless time” , while Tefnut was called Maat “truth /justice/order” and dt “invariable permanence”. Life, truth and time were the energies that perpetuated the world created by Atum. Akhenaten must have known about this theology. It offers the only example of a triad with the structure, 1:2 (father/two children) – so in Amarna, Akhenaten and Nefertiti assume roles of Shu and Tefnut.” #tankhem #prana