Green magick
And here we are again, another year has passed and for a brief moment the wheel of the year is hovering over the colour green, indicating is the time of the year again for a little green magic.
So what is it green magic and why now?
Imbolc is celebrated on February 1st, which is about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It symbolizes the “infancy”- the first signs of life, and marking the beginning of spring. Flowers are starting to come back and on the trees, little buds start to form. Nature slowly wakes up after the long winter sleep.
This is the time that nature reminds us that we are also reawakening, letting go of the past and making space for new beginnings, new plans and dreams.

It’s a sign!
Traditionally Imbolc is the festival honouring the goddess Brigid (Brighid, Bride, Brigit). Brigid is the goddess of fire, healing, the Sun and of the hearth. She is the goddess of fertility, smithcraft and poetry. She also likes the colour green.

Goddess of the hearth
So what is so magical about the colour green?
Green is the colour of nature and it resonates with growth and expansion, stability and endurance. The darker shades of green usually associated with money. Green also symbolizes harmony, healing, fertility, hope, love and protection. These qualities correspond with Brigid and with the sun, that makes nature green to broaden our hearts and fill it with love and excitement of a budding new dream.
Imbolc symbolizes the awakening of nature, new beginnings and love which creates a magickal window to work some green magic.
Magic, prosperity, healing, protection, love and abundance are good themes to focus on at any time but will get a special boost if included in your Imbolc magical practice and on your Green magic altar.
Happy Imbolc and don’t forget to eat your greens:)
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